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卡巴斯基安全部队2012 2012-04-06 168MB 0
全面安全保护 卡巴斯基安全部队2012全面保护您的计算机不受病毒、木马、垃圾邮件、黑客攻击等的侵害。创新的云安全技术和高级反病毒组件相结合,为用户提供顶尖的复合式保护,快速高效地响应当今复杂多变的各种威胁。不管是在线从事工作、银行交易、购物还是游戏,卡巴斯基安全部队都能时刻全面保护您的计算机及隐私数据安全。
界面语言:简体中文 软件类型:国外软件 授权方式:商业软件 运行平台:/WinNT/2000/XP/7
ESET Smart Security 5 64bit 2012-04-06 60.9MB 0
Proven Antivirus protection with Firewall, Antispam, Antispyware and Parental Control ESET Smart Security utilizes the power of the cloud and multiple layers of detection to keep out threats and block all attacks vectors. You are protected at the highest level while you work, social network, play online games or plug in removable media.
界面语言:简体中文 软件类型:国外软件 授权方式:商业软件 运行平台:/WinNT/2000/XP/7 64bit
ESET Smart Security 5 32bit 2012-04-06 55.8MB 0
Proven Antivirus protection with Firewall, Antispam, Antispyware and Parental Control ESET Smart Security utilizes the power of the cloud and multiple layers of detection to keep out threats and block all attacks vectors. You are protected at the highest level while you work, social network, play online games or plug in removable media.
界面语言:简体中文 软件类型:国外软件 授权方式:商业软件 运行平台:/WinNT/2000/XP/7 32bit
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  1. 卡巴斯基安全部队2012
  2. ESET Smart Security 5 64bit
  3. ESET Smart Security 5 32bit