日期 |
时间 |
演讲主题和嘉宾 |
3月18日 |
8:30-19:30 |
会议签到(全天友谊宫大厅) |
3月19日上午 政策与机会
主持人: 中国农业大学副校长 龚元石 |
8:30—8:40 |
介绍来宾 |
8:40—8:50 |
开幕致辞 |
8:50—9:05 |
开幕致辞:《饲料(畜牧、水产)产业进出口相关政策与法规及全球治理发展新趋势及对策》 农业部领导(畜牧业司司长马有祥或副司长王俊勋) |
9:05—9:20 |
开幕致辞 李德发 中国工程院院士 |
9:20—10:00 |
特别策划:“一带一路”动物科技创新联盟成立仪式 |
主持人: 校长 兰思仁 (待定) |
10:00—10:10 |
休 息 |
10:10—11:00 |
主题:《“一带一路”:新时代、新格局与农牧产业新机遇》 程国强 国家商务部、农业部及国家粮食局等部委专家咨询委员会专家顾问、国务院发展研究中心学术委员会前秘书长 |
11:00—11:50 |
主题:《“一带一路”国际产能合作政策与机遇》 谢阳军 国家发改委国际合作中心丝路促进中心执行主任 |
自助午餐(12:00-13:20)暨午餐洽谈会 |
3月19日下午 资源与商机(一)
主持人: 福建农林大学动物科学学院院长 陈吉龙
13:30—14:00 |
主题:响应“一带一路”倡议 推进农业国际合作 罗军 西北农林科技大学副校长 |
14:00—14:30 |
主题:《“一带一路”倡议下哈萨克斯坦与中国的经济合作》 Mr. Akhylbek Kurishbayev 哈萨克斯坦赛福林农业技术大学校长、哈萨克斯坦前农业部部长 |
14:30—15:30 |
互动论坛:中亚给中国农牧行业的资源与商机 主持人:宋维平 哈萨克斯坦赛福林农业技术大学校长Akhylbek Kurishbayev 哈萨克斯坦国立农业大学国际处处长Fatima Duisebayeva 吉尔吉斯斯坦国立农业大学校长Nurgaziev Rysbek 阿塞拜疆国立农业大学副校长Anar Hatamov 巴基斯坦布托兽医动物科学大学科研处处长Farooque Hassan 巴基斯坦Allco 公司总裁Khawaja Ali 西北农林科技大学副校长罗军 企业代表 |
15:30-15:40 |
休息 |
15:40—16:20 |
Mindaugas Kuklierius 立陶宛共和国驻华大使馆 农业参赞 |
16:20-16:40 |
主题:《欧盟环境下立陶宛畜牧产业政策-大学的角色》 Prof. Antanas Maziliauskas 立陶宛,亚历山大斯图津大学(ASU)校长 |
16:40-17:40 |
互动论坛:中东欧给中国农牧行业的资源与商机 主持人:宋维平 立陶宛亚历山大斯图津大学校长Antanas Maziliauskas 立陶宛共和国驻华大使馆农业参赞Mindaugas Kuklierius 阿尔巴尼亚地拉那农业大学教授Ylli Bicoku 美国俄克拉荷马州立大学院长Randy Kluver 俄罗斯奥姆斯克国立农业大学副校长Aleshchenko Vitaly 土耳其商务参赞(待定) 企业代表 |
自助晚餐18:00-20:00 |
3月20日上午 资源与商机(二)
主持人: 塔里木大学 校长 张传辉 |
8:30—9:10 |
主题:《全球畜牧饲料行业发展现状及趋势》 Roger Gilbert 国际饲料工业协会前秘书长/英国Milling and Grain杂志CEO |
9:10—9:40 |
主题:《菌草技术“一带一路”国际合作现状与在畜牧饲料产业的发展潜力》 林占熺 福建农林大学教授 国家菌草工程技术研究中心首席科学家及常务副主任 |
9:40—9:50 |
休 息 |
9:50—10:30 |
主题:《海上丝绸之路建设中的东盟新商机》 许宁宁 中国—东盟商务理事会理事长 |
10:30—10:50 |
Hon. George Boahen Oduro 加纳共和国农业部副部长 |
10:50-11:50 |
互动论坛:东盟给中国农牧行业的资源与商机 主持人:扬州大学国际处*** 泰国农业大学校长Chongrak Wachrinrat 柬埔寨皇家农业大学副校长Seng Mom 中国-东盟商务理事会理事长 企业代表 |
自助午餐(12:00-13:20) |
3月20日下午 案例与分享
主持人: 中国农业大学动物科学学院院长 呙于明
13:30—14:20 |
主题:《丰尚公司积极响应“一带一路”倡议海外实践经验分享》 范天铭 丰尚公司董事长兼总裁 |
14:20—15:00 |
主题:《新希望六和全球投资成果与经验及未来四年计划》 邓成 新希望六和股份有限公司职务 |
15:00—15:10 |
休 息 |
15:10—16:00 |
主题:《农业高科技企业“一带一路”战略合作重点》 宋维平 北京大北农科技集团股份有限公司常务副总裁 |
16:00—17:10 |
主题:《“驴行天下” 驴产业模式国际发展探讨》 周祥山 东阿阿胶副总裁 |
17:10—18:00 |
互动论坛:农牧企业如何抱团出海?坚持互利合作,构建相互依存、互利共赢、平等合作、安全高效新型创业国际合作的实践和体会 主持人:黄逸强 企业代表:杨立彬、任继平、宋国隆、 巴基斯坦Allco 公司总裁Khawaja Ali
(联合主办单位+赞助单位 代表 5-6位) 企业代表 |
自助晚餐:18:00-20:00 |
Data |
Time |
Topic and Speaker |
March 18th |
08:00—19:30 |
All day (Registration) |
March 19th Topic: Policy and Opportunity
Host: Yuanshi Gong, Vice President of China Agricultural University
08:30—08:40 |
Introduction |
08:40—08:50 |
Welcome Speech Defa Li Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering |
08:50—09:05 |
Welcome Speech Qixin SunPresident ofChina Agricultural University |
09:05—09:30 |
Regulations on feed import & export (livestock and aquatics) and its global trends of management Leadership of the Ministry of Agriculture |
09:30—10:00 |
Special Event:General Assembly Opening Ceremony of “The Belt and Road” Innovative League of Animal Science and Technology |
10:00—10:10 |
Group photo |
10:10—10:20 |
Break |
10:20—11:10 |
The Belt and Road: New time, pattern and opportunity for agricultural husbandry Guoqiang Cheng, Consultant of National Minister of Commerce, Minister of Agriculture and State Administration of Grain, Secretary-General of Academic Committee in Development Research Center of State Council |
11:10—12:00 |
Policy and Opportunity of the Belt and Road Yangjun Xie ,Executive Director of Beijing Silk Road International Capacity Cooperation Promotion Center in International Cooperation Center, National Development and Reform Commission |
Lunch(12:00-13:20) |
March 19th Topic: Resources and Business Opportunities(I)
Host: Yuming Guo, President of College of Animal Science and Technology in China Agricultural University
Host: Weiping Song |
13:30—14:00 |
The Belt and Road:Construction of science and technology extension service system for animal husbandry Jun LuoVice President of Northwest A&F University |
14:00—14:30 |
Economic Cooperation between Kazakhstan and China under the “Belt and Road” initiative Akhylbek Kurishbayev President of S.SeifullinKazakhstan Agricultural Technical University, Former Minister of Agriculture of Kazakhstan |
14:30—15:30 |
Interactive Forum:The resources and business opportunities of China's agriculture and animal husbandry industry brought from Central AsiaNations Representative from Central Asia(5-6representatives from enterprises) Representative of Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University Representative of Kyrgyz National Agrarian University named after K.I. Skryabin Representative of Azerbaijan State Agricultural University Representative of Bhutto University of veterinary science and Animal Sciences CEO of Allco Universal Pakistan(Private)Limited Representatives of Chinese enterprises |
15:30—15:40 |
Break |
15:40—16:20 |
《Lithuania Feed Resources-The guarantee for food safety》 Mr. Mindaugas Kuklierius Agricultural Consultant, the Lithuania embassy in China |
16:20—16:40 |
《POLICIES FOR FEED HUSBANDRY ENTERPRISES IN LITHUANIA AS PART OF EUROPEAN UNION –ROLE OF UNIVERSITIES》 Prof. dr. AntanasMaziliauskas President of the Aleksandras Stulginskis University (ASU), Lithuania |
16:40—17:40 |
Forum:Resources and business opportunities of China's agriculture and animal husbandry industry brought from Central and Eastern EuropeNations Representative from Central and Eastern Europe(5-6 representatives from enterprises) Representative of Aleksandras Stulginskis University Agricultural Consultant, The Lithuania embassy in China Representative of Agricultural University of Tirana Representative of Oklahoma State University Representative of University of Alberta Representatives of Chinese enterprises |
Dinner 18:00-20:00 |
March 20th Topic: Resources and Business Opportunities(二)
Host: Jun Luo, Vice President of Northwest A& F University |
08:30—09:10 |
Current situation and developmental trend of global animal feed industry Mr. Roger Gilbert Former International Feed Industry AssociationSecretary-General /British Milling and Grain Magazine CEO |
09:10—09:40 |
JUNCAO technologycurrent state of the “Belt and Road”international cooperation its development potential of feed industry in animal husbandry Zhanxi Lin Chief Scientist and Executive Deputy Director of China National Engineering Research Center of JUNCAO Technology |
09:40—09:50 |
Break |
09:50—10:30 |
New business opportunities of Association of Southeast Asian Nations in the construction of the Silk Road at sea Ningning Xu, Director-general of China-ASEAN Business Council |
10:30—10:50 |
"Garner agricultural resources and business opportunity" Deputy Minister of agriculture of the Republic of Garner |
10:50—11:40 |
Forum:The resources and business opportunities of China's agriculture and animal husbandry industry brought from Southeast Asian Nations Represent of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations(representatives from enterprises) Representative of Kasetsart University Representative of Royal University of Agriculture, Cambodia, RUA Director-general of China-ASEAN Business Council Representatives of Chinese enterprises |
Lunch(11:40-13:20)& Lunch Meeting |
March 20th Case and Share
Host: Jilong Chen, President of College of Animal Science and Technology in Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University |
13:30—14:20 |
Practice and experience of the international development of agricultural and animal husbandry machinery manufacturing enterprises Tianming FanChairman of board and President of Famsun |
14:20—15:00 |
The practice and experience of New Hope Liuhe and its international development Chang Liu President of New Hope Liuhe |
15:00—15:10 |
Break |
15:10—16:00 |
The “Belt and Road” strategic cooperation focal points of agricultural high-tech enterprises Weiping Song Executive Vice president of Da beinong Group |
16:00—17:10 |
The practice and experience of DEEJ and its international development Xiangshan ZhouVice President of Dong-e-e-jiao |
17:10—18:00 |
Interactive Forum:How agriculture and animal husbandry enterprises join hands to the world? Thepractice ofmutually beneficial cooperation and building new-type entrepreneurship Representatives of Chinese enterprises |
Dinner:18:00-20:00 |
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帐 号: 11-052701040003618